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Delivering For You. That’s what Saskatchewan’s 2025-26 Budget does.

Balanced, responsible, and focused on what matters most to Saskatchewan people.

green check mark A $12 million surplus – keeping us in a strong fiscal position to respond to challenges like tariffs

green check mark Over $250 million in new tax savings – helping you and your family with the cost of living

green check mark Record $8.1 billion for health care – better, faster care when you need it

green check mark More support for students, teachers, and growing classrooms

green check mark The largest infrastructure investment in Saskatchewan history

green check mark Safer communities and stronger local services

This is a budget that protects today and prepares for tomorrow..

We’re delivering the priorities of Saskatchewan residents, and we’re standing up for Saskatchewan.

Visit the 2025-26 Budget Website to see how we’re Delivering For You.


March 20 in the Legislature, MLAs debated and unanimously passed our government’s tariff response plan.

Premier Scott Moe thanks to all Saskatchewan Party and NDP MLAs for your united support of Saskatchewan’s plan.


The 2025-26 Budget, Delivering for You, invests in what Saskatchewan residents have told us matters to them: affordability, health care, education, community safety and fiscal responsibility.
Delivering for you means strengthening our economy, growing our province and advocating for Saskatchewan’s economic interests to ensure we remain the best place in Canada to live, work and raise a family.
As always, our government is committed to maintaining a solid fiscal framework. The government is accountable for the transparent, effective and efficient use of public resources.
Saskatchewan’s strong financial position leaves room to help our province weather the impact of potential tariffs imposed by the United States. It further delivers on our commitment to change and keeping our economy strong, while doing more to address the challenges of growth. Most of all, it delivers for you, the people of Saskatchewan.

Budget Facts Include:

  • Balanced Budget.
  • The largest personal income tax reduction in the province since 2008.
  • 54,000 Saskatchewan residents will no longer be paying provincial income tax.
  • Reinstating the Home Renovation Tax Credit; and maintaining the small business tax rate at one percent.
  • The Children’s Drug Plan ensures Saskatchewan families do not pay more than $25 per prescription for children aged 14 years and under.
  • Continuous and flash glucose monitors are fully covered for eligible children and adults up to 24 years old and seniors aged 65 and over.
  • The Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living helps individuals with physical disabilities live a more active and independent lifestyle and supports the management of certain chronic health conditions.
  • Making the PST Rebate on New Home Construction permanent, provides a rebate up to 42 per cent of the provincial sales tax paid on the purchase of a newly constructed home with a total purchase price of less than $550,000.
  • The Saskatchewan Housing Benefit helps eligible Saskatchewan renters whose households spend 35 to 45 per cent or more of their income on rent and utilities.
  • The Graduate Retention Program provides an increased maximum benefit up to $24,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible post-secondary graduates who continue to live and work in Saskatchewan and graduate on or after October 1, 2024. This program has benefited more than 85,000 graduates, saving them over $801 million.
  • Increase of $130 million to fund a new teacher collective agreement and address the pressures of growing student enrolment and the challenges facing today’s classrooms.
  • Accommodating higher volumes of specialized medical imaging services, including CT, MRI and PET/CT services, to help reduce waiting lists.
  • Enhancing kidney health programs and dialysis services by adding 30 full-time positions to meet patient demand closer to home in Meadow Lake, North Battleford, Fort Qu’Appelle, Tisdale, Moose Jaw, Regina and Saskatoon.
  • Expanding access to mental health and addictions services and care by delivering on the commitment to add 500 addictions treatment spaces across the province, doubling addictions treatment capacity in the public health system.
  • Supports for 65 enhanced permanent full-time nursing positions in 30 rural and northern locations across the province – building on 250 positions that were hired over the past few years – to improve nursing stability and reduce the reliance on contract nurses.
  • Investments to support the province’s efforts to recruit and retain doctors.
  • Over the last two years, the Government of Saskatchewan has invested $2.0 billion into community safety.
  • For the upcoming fiscal year, the 2025-26 Budget will invest the following in community safety: increased funding for RCMP operations, hiring approximately 100 new municipal police officers, hire 14 new SCAN personnel, hiring of 50 new positions for the Saskatchewan Marshals Service, expansion of the Saskatoon Correctional Centre.
  • More than 1,000 kilometres of improvements on provincial highways.
  • Investing in the Government of Saskatchewan’s network of nine international offices to increase trade, boost exports and strengthen the province’s international relationships.

A full comprehensive list of all 2025-26 Budget actions, programs, promises and initiatives can be read here: Home | Saskatchewan Budget 2025-26

Read more by viewing the PDF

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Constituency Map of Saskatoon Willowgrove

Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA
Saskatoon Willowgrove
Constituency Office

1106A Central Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1
Phone: 306.651.7100
Fax: 306.651.6008
