City of Saskatoon

Saskatoon Willowgrove is an urban constituency located in the northeast part of the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan's largest city.  For all civic government information check the City of Saskatoon Website.

Following are direct links to important Saskatoon municipal information:

  1. Councillors and Wards
  2. City Manager's Office
  3. Saskatoon Police Service
  4. Fire and Protective Services
  5. Services for Residents

Ministry of Municipal Affairs

  1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs
  2. Municipal Information Dataportal (MID)
  3. Municipal Directory
  4. Maps
  5. Publications
  6. Types of Municipalities
  7. Subdivision
  8. Municipal System History

Municipal Association Links

  1. Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA)
  2. Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)
  3. Provincial Association of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan (PARCS)
  4. Saskatchewan Association of Northern Community Services Inc. - The New North 
  5. Municipal Capacity Development Program
  6. Tangible Capital Asset Implmentation Resources
  7. Provincial Disaster Assistance Program
  8. Saskatchewan Municipal Board
  9. Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Association
  10. Saskatchewan Assessment Management Association (SAMA)
  11. Saskatchewan Association of City Clerks
  12. Urban Municipal Administrators Association
  13. Rural Municipal Administrators' Association of Saskatchewan
  14. Association of Professional Community Planners of Saskatchewan

Related Municipal Links

  2. Information Services Corporation (ISC)
  3. Monthly Statistical Review (Bureau of Statistics)
  4. Census and Population
  5. Community Development and Growth
  6. Provincial Constituency Profiles
  7. Community Information Database (CID)
  8. Community Profiles
  9. First Nations Profiles
  10. Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan

Regional, National, International Links

  1. Alberta Municipal Affairs
  2. CivicinfoBC
  3. Manitoba Local Government
  4. Infrastructure Canada
  5. Muniscope Information and Networking
  6. Communities of Tomorrow
  7. Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
  8. Canadian Institute of Planners
  9. Municipal World: Canada's Municipal Magazine
  10. Atlas of Canada
  11. Geographic Names of Canada
  12. How Canadians Govern Themselves
  13. International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
  14. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Constituency Map
Constituency Map of Saskatoon Willowgrove

Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA
Saskatoon Willowgrove
Constituency Office

1106A Central Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1
Phone: 306.651.7100
Fax: 306.651.6008
