Provincial Point of View
June 29, 2020
Wherever you are in this great province or country, I hope you celebrate Canada's birthday with pride for having the privilege of living in Canada.
However, everyone can still celebrate Canada's birthday, with an opening ceremonies featuring greetings from: Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Scott Moe, Mayor Charlie Clark, MP's Kevin Waugh, Corey Tochor, Brad Redekopp, Federation des Francophone President - Dustin McNichol, CUMFI President - Shirley Isbister, Opposition Leader - Ryan Meili, Lt Commander Canadian Forces - Gary Gregor and Chair Saskatoon Optimist Canada Day - Rob Belyk. Hosted by eMCees Steve Shannon and Jeff Soucy.
Definitely Don't Miss:
- Brett Kissel's message
- Tucker Lane's Leslie Stanwyck singing O' Canada
- Saskatchewan Artists (JJ Voss, Alex Reunions, Roland Corrigal, Leslie Stanwyck, Shantaia, Stephanie Rose and Darlene Tuleta) incredible rendition of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. Produced by Johnny Sinclair, managed by Dave Marcoux.
- Virtual Program produced by Rylan Grant
You can watch the program at the following link on Facebook and starting at 10 am Wednesday July 1st, 2020.
Or ... from the comfort of your own home, you will find a Canada Day Celebration on Wednesday, July 1 at 10:00 am at the following:
The program, hosted by eMCees Steve Shannon and Jeff Soucy, will include greeting from Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Scott Moe, Mayor Charle Clark, MP's Kevin Waugh, Corey Tochor, Brad Redekipp, Federation des Francophone President Dustin McNichol, CUUMFI President Shirley Isbister, Opposition Leader Ryan Meili, Lt Commander Canadian Forces Gary Gregor and Chair Saskatoon Optimist Canada Day Rob Belyk.
... and don't miss the message from Brett Kissel, the singing of O'Canada by Leslie Stanwyck (Tucker Lane), Saskatchewan Artists (JJ Voss, Alex Reunions, Roland Corrigal, Leslie Stanwyck, Shantaia, Stephanie Rose and Darlene Tuleta) with an incredible rendition of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. (Produced by Johnny Sinclair, managed by Dave Marcoux). The virtual program is produced by Rylan Grant.
Following the local program, the National Virtual Canada Day celebration can be viewed as follows:
Daytime program 11 am:
Evening program 6 pm:
Happy Canada Day!
Saskatchewan - Who Knew?
* Regina is in the Guinness Book Of Records.. It has the longest bridge (Albert Street Bridge) over the shortest body of water (Wascana Lake).
* The railway track from Regina to Stoughton used to be the longest stretch of perfectly straight track in the world, at 85 miles.
* Battleford was the capital of the Northwest Territories before Saskatchewan became a province.
* The very first Dairy Queen was started in Melville in 1953. The original owner was Donald M. Patrick.
* In Saskatchewan there are over 100,000 lakes, rivers, and bogs.
* Over one-half of the province, or approximately 3,450,000 square km, is covered by forests. Of the total forest area, 2,165,000 square km are classified as commercially productive forest land and contain both hardwood and softwood species.
* Famed theorist/physicist Albert Einstein played goal for the Canwood (SK) Canucks one winter while sojourning north to Canada to 'find peace and silence' for his work on the Theory of Relativity. He had played hockey in his younger years in Germany.
* Dad's Cookies were once made at the former roller skating rink in White City.
* Brett Hull lived in a little log house a few miles out of Whitewood.
* Gordie Howe was born near Saskatoon.
* Estevan is the sunshine capital of Canada.
* Wilkie is home to the world's largest Grasshopper - which everyone hates because it's a farming community. Apparently you can fit eight people and three cases of beer comfortably on his back.
* Danceland - at Lake Manitou near Watrous is the world's only horse hair padded dance floor.
* John Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister, lived in Wakaw and Prince Albert. Interestingly, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Mackenzie King and John Diefenbaker were all elected to the House of Commons from the Prince Albert constituency.
* Wynyard is the chicken capital of Canada because it exports the highest amount of chicken per capita. Every summer, during the carnival days they host the 'chicken chariot race' where chickens, hooked up to a homemade chariot race down their respective lanes in their quest to be the fastest.
Now you know!