March 30, 2022

Saskatchewan is Back on Track. Budget 2022-23 builds a strong and growing economy.  A vastly improved financial picture has allowed our government to present a budget for 2022-23 that will touch all corners of the province. This budget will support Saskatchewan people, foster a strong and growing economy, and build a strong Saskatchewan for future generations.

Budget 2022-23 strengthens and protects Saskatchewan with key investments into priories including health, social services and assistance, education and protection of persons and property. Visit to learn more about the provincial budget.

Read more by viewing the PDF.

Constituency Map
Constituency Map of Saskatoon Willowgrove

Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA
Saskatoon Willowgrove
Constituency Office

1106A Central Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1
Phone: 306.651.7100
Fax: 306.651.6008
