This year’s budget includes a key investment in operational funding for second stage housing so women and their children will have access to safe, affordable, long-term support to break the cycle of violence and help them rebuild their lives.
This funding is part of our government’s overall commitment of $27.5 million to combat the serious, complex issue of interpersonal violence.  Violence and abuse have no place in Saskatchewan.

Ensuring safe accommodations for survivors of interpersonal violence and their children is an integral part of our ongoing work to improve community safety across our province.  We appreciate the amazing work that our community-based organizations do and thank them for their support, as this important work continues.  

We appreciate the amazing work that our community-based organizations do and thank them for their support, as this important work continues.


Last week we celebrated Saskatchewan Tourism Week, a week dedicated to bringing attention to the vibrant and diverse tourism sector. Now is a great time to start making vacation plans in Saskatchewan and discover something new this summer. To ensure everyone can enjoy our province’s beauty, the Government of Saskatchewan continues to invest in provincial parks and highways in the 2023-24 Provincial Budget. 

The 2023-24 Provincial Budget includes nearly $14 million in capital projects and upgrades for Saskatchewan’s Provincial Parks. Sask Parks has also introduced a new events guide that includes all interpretive programming, theme days, special events and summer cinema locations. Parks reservations opened online on April 3 for seasonal campsites and April 4-12 for nightly reservations and remain open on the Tourism Saskatchewan website. To view the new events guide, make a camping reservation, shop for Sask Parks apparel or learn more, visit 

As people prepare to head out on Saskatchewan’s roads for their vacations this summer, our government is investing in roads and highways to ensure they remain safe and accessible. In the 2023-24 Budget, $776 million is invested into operating, maintaining, building and improving roads and highways. This includes constructing twinning projects on Highways 6 and 39 between Regina and Weyburn, completing the passing lanes and widening on Highway 5, and upgrading Highway 15 east of Kenaston. Several gravel, pavement and road maintenance projects will begin in northern Saskatchewan. In addition, the budget will fund planning to extend the twinning of Highway 5 east of Saskatoon and the final phase of the Saskatoon Freeway functional study. 

Our government set a Growth Plan goal of improving 10,000 kilometres of highways between 2020 and 2030. After this year, over 4,600 kilometres will be completed, which is well ahead of the pace needed to meet this target. With this year’s budget, more than $12 billion has been invested into transportation infrastructure since 2007, improving more than 19,400 kilometres of provincial highways. 

Improvements to Saskatchewan’s provincial highways and roads ensure everyone can get where they want to go safely. To learn more about this year’s highway projects or the 2023-24 Provincial Budget, visit


i hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we have been waiting for.  It's great to see people outside walking, biking, cleaning their yards and just enjoying this Saskatchewan spring.

Being outside after a long, cold winter is great, but when it makes you itch, sneeze, or cough, it doesn't feel so good.
Tips for managing your allergies:
 watch the pollen counts and stay indoors when they're highest, which is often in the afternoon
 keep the windows in your home and car closed, if possible
 some people also find a quick rinse of their nose with salt water works well, but that can take a little getting used to
 after spending time outside, it can help to take a shower, change your clothes, and even rinse your eyes with water or saline drops
 a pharmacist can also help you choose the right kind of medicine if symptoms become too much
Managing allergy symptoms can make you feel a lot better but it can also take time to figure out what works best for you.


Photo credit Lindsay Newman/980 CJME

A new water-scooping air tanker has arrived in Saskatchewan, just in time for wildfire season.

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) has invested in a CL-215T air tanker to provide a stronger wildfire response in the province. The CL-215T will replace the obsolete CL-215 in the SPSA's aerial wildfire suppression fleet.

"Our government's strategic investment into our air operations protects the people, property and resources of Saskatchewan," Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister Christine Tell said. "The investment of $37.3 million will allow our responders to better protect, lives, communities, major infrastructure and other values."
SPSA Invests in Water Bomber to Help Fight Wildfires | News and Media | Government of Saskatchewan

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Constituency Map
Constituency Map of Saskatoon Willowgrove

Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA
Saskatoon Willowgrove
Constituency Office

1106A Central Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1
Phone: 306.651.7100
Fax: 306.651.6008
